Code to get you started

The book Deployment from Scratch comes with three production-grade examples of provisining and deployment.

All demonstrations are scripted in pure Bash. They are no high level configuration tools to understand.

Scripted demonstrations

A static website

A static website with automatic Let's Encrypt certificates and system updates. A separate configuration and rootless deployment script.

Add server-side analytics and beat the pricing of hosted solutions.

A database-backed Ruby on Rails application
with Action Cable

A single server running a full-featured web application with UNIX sockets, PostgreSQL ident system authentication, Web Sockets, and Let's Encrypt certificates. A git-push deployment with helpful administration scripts for connecting to the server or handeling file and database backups.

Adjust for your application based on the knowledge from the book. Deploy within the same day!

A standalone PostgreSQL server

A self-sufficient PostgreSQL cluster demo with automatic system upgrades, log rotation, and TLS. Scripts for cluster-wide backups and restores.

Run a standalone database when you need more power or to host all your projects' databases in one place.

All demonstrations are scripted in Bash for RHEL 8 compatible systems such as Rocky Linux 8.

You don't need any knowledge of typical configuration management tools. Learn how everything works without abstractions and indirection.