User Roles

Fedora is multi-user system where one or more users can have access to the system simultaneously. Every system also starts with one default superuser called root, who has access to everything everywhere. That’s also the user we started with and used for our initial SSH connection.But using one superuser for everything is far from secure. In fact, we should avoid depending on root as much as possible to the point when we can forbid the root user to log in at all. As a replacement, we can use decidecated users and groups to implement user roles for our network services.

Table of Contents


Switching Users
Running Commands as Superuser

Allow root to run any commands anywhere

Restricting Superuser Access

Allow root to run any commands anywhere



Allows people in group wheel to run all commands


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Gumroad (as of Aug 3, 2023)
I am using some scripts I downloaded from Josef Strzibny's book that are setting up Ruby on Rails deployment and automatically installing a PostgreSQL server. I am also using Dokku, but I like the idea of controlling what is happening on the server.
Lucian Ghinda, Senior Ruby Developer