Email Delivery

Who doesn’t have an email address? Email is most likely the number one communication channel of the modern world. It’s everywhere. It’s free. And it’s open. But how does it all work? Can we use our servers to deliver email, or should we rely on mailing companies? What happens when an email cannot be delivered? How receiving work? A lot of questions to answer. However, before we answer them, we’ll have a look at what email even is. Then, after seeing that email protocols are not that different from anything else, we’ll see how to turn any server into a mail server.

Table of Contents

What's in an email?

Sending emails

First Try
Reverse DNS
Relay Servers

Receiving emails


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Gumroad (as of Aug 3, 2023)
I am using some scripts I downloaded from Josef Strzibny's book that are setting up Ruby on Rails deployment and automatically installing a PostgreSQL server. I am also using Dokku, but I like the idea of controlling what is happening on the server.
Lucian Ghinda, Senior Ruby Developer